Hello, Astro, Bye, JavaScript

January 27, 2024 758 Words

I need SSR

Recently, I found my blog site is kind of slow on phones. After checking the network inspector and lighthouse report:

2024-01-27 163235.png

I came up with a conclusion:

I need SSR (Server Side Rendering), because I can't easily make my JS smaller and faster, but my (or Cloudflare's) server can do better on JavaScript than my phone can.

Then, how can I easily convert my Vue.js frontend app to an SSR app?


Vue has built-in support for SSR, but it's not easy to work with Cloudflare Pages, seemly.


The next option would be Nuxt, it's a Vue-based full-stack framework, that requires zero configs to deploy to Cloudflare Pages. Seems good, but I would not choose it this time, it's too heavy for me:


> nuxt dev

Nuxt 3.9.0 with Nitro 2.8.1                                    16:58:48
  ➜ Local:    http://localhost:3000/
  ➜ Network:  use --host to expose

  ➜ DevTools: press Shift + Alt + D in the browser (v1.0.6)   16:59:04

ℹ Compiled plugins/server.mjs in 9884.51ms                     16:59:17
ℹ Compiled plugins/client.mjs in 14881.42ms                    16:59:22
ℹ Compiled types/plugins.d.ts in 14911.27ms                    16:59:22
ℹ Vite client warmed up in 13403ms                             16:59:45
ℹ Vite server warmed up in 16330ms                             16:59:50
✔ Nitro built in 26859 ms                               nitro 17:00:12
# My page is available now !!!

I built my admin panel using Nuxt and it takes about 90 seconds to show my page after running nuxt dev. Sometimes, I feel like it's Rust not Nuxt. I'm not sure, maybe I'm not ready to use ?u?t to build a website yet.


I had no choice but to keep looking for the right tool and I found Astro, I immediately realized that this was probably what I needed, from their website:

UI-agnostic: Supports React, Preact, Svelte, Vue, Solid, Lit, HTMX, web components, and more.

Another feature also surprised me:

Zero JS, by default: Less client-side JavaScript to slow your site down.

That's cool, there are no JS problems if there is no JS. I must give it a try!


I spent a half day switching my blog site from Vue to Vue + Astro, and the result is amazing:

  • Client JS files went from 4 to 0. It's Zero JS now if Cloudflare injected sdk not included
  • All client resources went from 538 Kb to 86 Kb, for transferred, it's from 215 Kb to 56 Kb
  • Un-cached loading time went from about 3s to about 1.7s
  • Lighthouse performance score went from 70 to 99: 2024-01-27 154355.png ⬆ Before VS After ⬇ 2024-01-27 155711.png

These are a lot of improvements! I removed all my tailwind loading skeletons and never feel it's loading again!


  • Installed Astro and then updated package.json
  • Added /pages folder and some *.astro files, then removed vue-router
  • Imported original vue-router pages in *.astro pages
  • Removed window, document, and other browser API calls
  • Re-implemented dark theme storage using cookies
  • Re-implemented menu triggers using :focus and next-sibling selector
  • Switched API routes from Cloudflare's Pages Functions to Astro's Endpoints

These are almost all the works I have done for the migration. My blog site has only a few pages and poor interactions, these still are not small changes, but I think it's worth the result!


I'm not a JavaScript hater, most of the time. I just need SSR for my blog site, and Astro solved my problem perfectly with their Zero JS Approach. So, this is not goodbye to JavaScript, oh, did I write that in the title? Well, it's just an expression or something.

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